
Matt Tomkins

Lecturer in GIS

The University of Manchester


As a Quaternary scientist, I’m interested in the role of glaciers, rivers and landslides in controlling the evolution of mountain landscapes and the topographic signature left behind by erosion and sediment deposition.

My current research incorporates quantitative analysis of topography and absolute and relative age dating of glacial and landslide deposits.

As a Lecturer in GIS, I contribute to Undergraduate and Masters level courses, including Environmental Monitoring and Modelling Concepts and Understanding GIS , deliver lectures, seminars and laboratory-fieldwork activities and supervise student theses.


  • Landscape evolution
  • Chronology
  • Cosmogenic nuclides


  • PhD in Physical Geography, 2019

    The University of Manchester

  • MSc in Environmental Science, 2016

    Lancaster University

  • BSc in Geography, 2015

    The University of Manchester

Where I work

Current research

Ice-free cirques of Antarctica

60 million years of glaciation in the Transantarctic Mountains, now published in Nature Communications

Moraine crest or slope?

Cosmogenic dating of moraines has transformed our understanding of Quaternary glacial cycles. But can we improve the accuracy of cosmogenic datasets? New paper now published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Schmidt hammer exposure dating

A new cost and time-efficient approach for dating the exposure of granite rock surfaces

The Probabilistic Cosmogenic Age Analysis Tool

A new approach to isolate geologic uncertainty in cosmogenic exposure age datasets (P-CAAT), now published in Quaternary Geochronology

Cirque growth slows as landscapes age

Cirques are classic features of glaciated mountain ranges. But what do we know about their role in the evolution of mountain topography?

Paraglacial rockfall in the Pyrenees

Rockfall is a key component of mountain erosion. To what extent and for how long is this influenced by glaciation?

Recent Publications

Quickly discover relevant content by filtering publications.
60 million years of glaciation in the Transantarctic Mountains
A tool for the ages: The Probabilistic Cosmogenic Age Analysis Tool (P-CAAT)
Moraine crest or slope: An analysis of the effects of boulder position on cosmogenic exposure age
The dynamics of mountain erosion: Cirque growth slows as landscapes age


  • Arthur Lewis Building, University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL
  • DM Me